Last Chance
Pear Affair 2Nominated Black and White Spider Awards for the category Still Life | Professional.
That's right, there is only one left in the edition of the nominated Black and White Spider Awards picture 'Pear Affair #2'. Don't be disappointed, if you have been thinking about adding this piece to your art collection, call 416-560-9227 or email to place your order. The picture is priced at $600.00 plus taxes; shipping and custom charges extra were applicable. Payment can be made by VISA, MasterCard or American Express.
Next Exhibition - Beaches Arts & Crafts Show
June 12th & 13th, 2010
About the Show
The show started in 1984 with 25 exhibitors and at the time about the only show event in the Beaches, with the exception of the Easter parade. The show has grown to showcase 150 crafts people from across Canada.
All crafts people who produce their own work in Canada are eligible to exhibit. The entries are juried and selected to make for diversity and interest.
PelicanBluffer's Park Marina, Toronto, 2004.
Edition Size 10. Image Size 16x20. Framed Size 25x29.]
Now 26 years later, the show includes artistry, photography, jewellery, leather work, metal work and much more.
Make a day of it, come down to beautiful Queen Street East, have a lunch on a patio or a stroll on the Boardwalk and visit the show. I look forward to seeing my friends at the show.
The show is located in the beautiful Kew Gardens Park at Queen Street East & Lee Avenue.
Show Hours
10 am - 6 pm
While I do not currently have any scheduled exhibitions during July to October, my studio is always open by appointment to select your favourite piece of artwork. Or you can call me at 416-560-9227 or email me at to place your order. During this period I will be creating new artwork as well as focusing on developing relationships with interior designers and galleries in Canada and the United States.
For those individuals that are interested in something different, I have created some triplets. Each image is approximately 9" x 17" with an overall framed size of approximately 41" x 27". The edition size will vary with each triplet and generally will be available on an order basis with some exceptions. When you place your order, a 50% deposit is required with the balance, including shipping and taxes payable when shipped.
You can place your order by calling 416-560-9227 or email I accept VISA, MasterCard and American Express
'The Lady Charlotte Clive'
As you are aware, last month I released 'The Lady Charlotte Clive' triplet priced at $1,250.00 plus taxes; shipping and customs charges extra were applicable. Good news, it is still available at this great price. To help you decide on your triplet, I will have 6" x 10" proof prints available for your viewing at the Beaches Arts and Crafts Show.

'Jiving in the Rain'
Last November, I released a special edition of ten where the three images for 'Jiving in the Rain' are presented in one frame. The 'Jiving in the Rain' triplet is priced at $1,500.00 plus taxes; shipping and custom charges extra were applicable. Individual pictures of 'Jiving in the Rain' are also available at $600.00 each.

New Triplet - Legs
Are you looking for something different….something with a bit of an edge? I am introducing a triplet call 'Legs'. The triplet is created from taking three pictures from my 'Mystery Girl Series'. The edition size is twenty and is priced on an order basis at $600.00 plus taxes; shipping and custom charges extra were applicable.

Spread the Word
If you have family or friends that would be interested in my artwork or to get to know me, please forward this e-newsletter to them. Simply click [FORWARD].
Update of Contact Information
Since I am now exhibiting in a number of cities across Canada and the United States, I would like to have the ability to target information and special offers to specific markets. In order for you to be able to take advantage of future targeted special offers please take a few moments to review / update your profile, please click [PREFERENCES]. Thanks again and I hope to see you and speak with you at one of my future shows. I really enjoy meeting with you all personally.
Upcoming Exhibitions
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November 2010 One of a Kind Show and Sale NYC |
7 W New York, 34th St at 5th Ave New York City, NY November 11 - 14 and 18 - 21, 2010 website - click here |
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November 2010 One of a Kind Christmas Show |
Direct Energy Centre, Exhibition Place Toronto, Ontario November 25 - December 5, 2010 website - click here |
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December 2010 One of a Kind Show and Sale |
Chicago The Merchandise Mart Chicago, IL December 2 - 5, 2010 website - click here |