Dale M Reid Photography
11 July 2022

Summer Edition

Welcome Friends,

Summer 2022 has finally arrived, and hopefully after two years of restrictions, we can achieve a form of normalcy.

Spring has been an active period on the news front! Reflecting on how to best describe the content of this edition of my e-newsletter, one word came to my mind -- International.

I hope you are enjoying the new layout of this publication. The design provides an overview of the article and when you click the detailed article is available.

Now, pour your favorite beverage and sit back and enjoy.

As always, I enjoy hearing from my friends. I encourage you to share your thoughts on of the topics.

Enjoy your summer. Please stay safe and healthy.

Photo culinaire artistique - Feast de Dale M Reid

Dale M Reid Photography. OpenEye Magazine Issue 26
Strasbourg, France

Early 2022, I connected with Pierre Evrard, one of the OPEN EYE Webmagazine founders. Subsequently, I received an invitation to have a short story and the series of "Feast" images featured in the French webmagazine. The piece, published in the April/ May edition, was written by Philippe Litzler.

Enjoy the article and viewing the images - click here

About OPENEYE Webmagazine

OPENEYE, a non-profit association founded in April 2017, is today's look at photography from a general interest perspective. Members are volunteers.


dale m reid. international accolades

International Accolades

Since my last e-newsletter, my artwork continued to receive international recognition. The following are four new awards with links to each awards website:

dale m reid. LensCulture Review

Portfolio Feedback

"I chose your submission not only because of its high quality and artistic value but also because you have managed to create challenging images that transform reality with a totally realistic approach."

To read the full review with images for Critics’ Choice 2022 (Series) - click here

The anonymous Portfolio Feedback by Lens Culture is a valuable tool for ongoing artist development. In addition to providing feedback on the quality of images, they provide suggestions to enhance your biography and artist statement. As well, they provide additional recommendations, some include recommended books and photographers; photo competitions; recommendations for gaining exposure; European photography festivals; monographs; fine art philosophy and criticism.

For information on Lens Culture - click here

Colorida Review

Dale M Reid Photography. Colorida Galeria de Arte May 2022
Colorida Galeria de Arte
Rua Vitor Bastos, 12A
Lisbon 1000-004, Portugal
14 - 27 May 2022
website - click here

During the opening reception on May 14th, Rosemary Esteter of Colorida Galeria de Arte interviewed me on my artistic vision and artwork. To listen to the interview - click here.

The Serralves Foundation

The Art of Mushrooms
Serralves Park. 28 June - 31 December 2022

dale m reid contemporary fine art photography. serralves em luz

dale m reid contemporary fine art photography. oyster mushroom 52Curated by Francesca Gavin, the exhibition looks at the representation of fungi and how they have become central to a cultural revolution in philosophy and art. Fungi been at the core of ritual, power and ideas around spirituality and strength for thousands of years. They are a catalyst for human understanding today, and in recent years, the have become the inspiration for new models of contemporary art, politics, technology, economics, and design.

The Serralves Foundation
Porto, Portugal
w - serralves.pt

To accompany the exhibition, Serralves published the first contemporary art book devoted to this theme. Francesca Gavin edited the book.

Earlier this year, Francesca invited me to have one of my images published in the contemporary art book. As a sizable portion of my portfolio features mushrooms, I consider it a privilege to share my Oyster Mushroom 52 in this exclusive book.

To view the "Exhibition Script" click on the left mushroom image. For the description of the book and listing of artists or to order the book, please click on the right mushroom image.

dale m reid. Serralves exhibition script

Exhibition Script

dale m reid. Serralves publication

Exhibition book, artists and Online Ordering.

Art Santa Fe

dale m reid contemporary fine art photography. art santa fe15 - 17 July 2022
Santa Fe Convention Center
201 W Marcy Street
Santa Fe, NM. 87501

Contemporary Art Projects USA will feature two framed unique handcrafted silver gelatin prints –- Oyster Mushroom 52 and Shiitake Mushroom 1 -– at the fair.

For VIP tickets please click here.

It gives me pleasure to share background information on my artistic practice. Please do read the catalog featuring a brief bio and artist statement for my mushroom and floral studies with sample images (*.pdf format).

Centro Portuguese de Fotographia

dale m reid contemporary fine art photography. Centro Portugues de FotographiaIn May, I travelled to Portugal to attend my exhibition opening at Colorida Galeria de Arte in Lisbon. Gladly, I set aside time to visit Porto. One highlight was a trip to the Portuguese Photography Center, a beautiful historical building and the former Prison and Court of Appeal of Porto.

At the Center, the "Lente Feminina" (Female Lens) exhibition featured eighteen female photographers. The curated exhibition celebrated the importance of female photographers in the art world and discussed increased representation.

The topic has been on my mind lately. The representation of female and female-identifying photographers in the art world is an important discussion, so I'm sharing the Curatorial Statement of "Lente Feminina" with links to the eighteen photographers in the exhibit.

Of the eighteen photographers, I am familiar with the works of Julia Margaret Cameron and Berenice Abbott. There are also two Canadian photographers: Denyse Gerin-Lajoie and Elaine Ling. My 2022 International Women’s Day social media post, "The Female Gaze" also celebrated the importance of female photographers. Please click here if you haven't read the article yet.

The unique life experiences of female or female-identifying artists will influence their artistic vision and art. It is important for each unique voice to be represented in the art world.

Upcoming Exhibitions

Dale M Reid Photography. Fotonostrum October 2022
17th & 18th Julia Margaret Cameron and 17th Pollux Awards
FotoNostrum - Mediterranean House of Photography
Barcelona, Spain
Exhibition - 13 to 30 October 2022
gallery website - click here

Please connnect with me on social media... I try to post once or twice each week!

Dale M Reid Photography on Twitter Dale M Reid Photography on Instagram Dale M Reid Photography on LinkedIn Dale M Reid Photography on FaceBook

Dale M Reid
Contemporary Fine Art Photography
Creative and Design - #1013 - 2261 Lake Shore Blvd W. Toronto, Ontario M8V 3X1
w - dalemreidphotography.com | e - enewsletter@dalemreidphotography.com
Directions/ Map - click here
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